Get Rid of Heel Pain For Good with Scholl’s GelActiv Insoles
Heel and ankle pain: the full story
Feet are a complex and important part of your body - so it’s worth taking an in-depth look at how pain starts and what can be done to manage it.
- Identify common pain causing foot conditions, from genetic issues to poor choices
- Find out how to treat a range of foot problems, or actively prevent them
What causes heel and ankle pain?
Heels and ankles are designed to absorb the impact of your body weight when walking, running or undertaking any form of physical exertion. So, anyone can develop heel and ankle pain at any point in their lives, and sometimes it can clear up on its own.1
Genetic factors such as flat feet and high arches can create poor movement of the foot that can lead to pain.2 Lifestyle issues such as badly fitting footwear, being overweight or sporty can increase the risk of heel and ankle pain. Older people and those with other medical conditions are also more likely to develop pain.3
You don’t have to accept aching feet as a normal part of everyday life. With a little more support, it’s possible to correct the source of the heel pain.
Top tips for managing heel and ankle pain4
It’s helpful to give your feet a chance to rest and recover after a long day on the go.
Put an ice pack or bag of frozen peas on the affected area for up to 20 minutes every two to three hours
Wear medium heeled shoes, up to 3 cm high, with good heel cushioning and effective arch support
Minimise walking or exercising on hard ground
Perform gentle stretches
Wear heel pads or ankle supports
Avoid putting weight on your foot or standing for long periods of time
Refrain from going barefoot or wearing ill-fitting and flat shoes
If you are overweight, losing weight will ease pressure on feet.
How insoles work
Insoles are inserts that fit inside your shoes. They provide a cushion between you and the actual sole of your shoe to help absorb shocks, while providing comfort for the base of your feet. Always check the pack for full instructions.4
Scholl everyday insoles
Scholl’s GelActiv™ insoles are ideal if you have an active lifestyle, meaning you’re on your feet for several hours at a time each day.5 They come in three varieties: Everyday, Work and Sport.
Scholl Everyday insoles offer all-round support for casual footwear, providing daily support by giving them an extra cushion on hard ground. The GelActiv™ Technology consists of different gel elements to provide extra cushioning and support where feet specifically need it to help prevent tiredness. The firmer gel supports the arch of foot and the heel, while the softer gel cushions and absorbs impacts. Our insoles are also washable but should be swapped for new ones every six months.5
When it’s time to seek medical attention
You can ease most heel and ankle pain yourself at home. Please contact your local healthcare professional for further medical advice if you experience:
- Foot care issues that do not resolve themselves naturally or through routine foot care within three weeks
- Severe pain after an injury or your foot is in a funny shape
- A snap, grinding or popping noise at the time of injury and difficulty moving your ankle or foot.