How to stop sweaty feet & odour
To effectively treat foot odour, it’s best to understand where it all comes from. Sweaty feet - and the bacteria that feed on it - are one of the biggest causes of foot odour.
Foot odour most commonly occurs from wearing poorly ventilated shoes or from shoes made of synthetic or non-leather materials. If you don’t wear socks or wear ones made of synthetic fabrics - like polyester or nylon - they’ll also contribute to sweating and the spread of bacteria. It is most common in young adult males.
Some people will have a genetic predisposition to sweating - known as Hyperhidrosis - which means they produce a high level of sweat which would contribute to sweaty, smelly feet throughout the year, opposed to just in warmer conditions.
6 ways to prevent smelly feet
- Keep your feet clean and dry.
Wash your feet everyday with hot soapy water and ensure your toes are dried thoroughly.
- Wear shoes that are made of natural materials.
Natural materials like leather and cotton are more breathable than synthetics.
- Wear socks made of wool, acrylic or polypropylene.
These fabrics absorb sweat and keep moisture away from your skin.
- Change socks and shoes regularly.
Fresh clean socks help to skin the dry and rotating shoes daily give each pair a chance to dry and air.
- Change your insoles regularly
Bacteria and fungus thrive in moist insoles, aim to change them once a month.
- Air out your feet.
When possible go barefoot, it’s the best way to allow your feet to breathe and dry out.
Scholls solution to getting rid of foot odour
Foot deodorant sprays, like Scholl Antifungal Shoe Spray.
Our highly effective disinfectant antifungal shoe spray kills 99.9% of the fungus that causes athlete's foot and fungal nail infections. Continued use of Scholl’s Antifungal Shoe Spray will help maintain the hygiene of your shoes and prevent the recurrence of fungus.
You should contact a medical expert if:
- If this affects or disrupts your daily activities
- You are sweating more than usual.